Recombinant Mouse TPO Protein (HEK293)

Artikelnummer: AMO-M10020
Artikelname: Recombinant Mouse TPO Protein (HEK293)
Artikelnummer: AMO-M10020
Hersteller Artikelnummer: M10020
Alternativnummer: AMO-M10020-10UG,AMO-M10020-50UG
Hersteller: Abmole Bioscience
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Alternative Synonym: Thrombopoietin, THPO
Recombinant Mouse TPO protein (HEK293)is a lineage-specific growth factor produced in the liver, kidney, and skeletal muscle, stimulates the proliferation and maturation of megakaryocytes and promotes the increase of platelet circulation in the body.
Reinheit: >95%, Endotoxin <0.2 EU/ug
Target-Kategorie: Recombinant Proteins