Futibatinib (TAS-120), CAS [[1448169-71-8]]

Artikelnummer: AMO-M10026
Artikelname: Futibatinib (TAS-120), CAS [[1448169-71-8]]
Artikelnummer: AMO-M10026
Hersteller Artikelnummer: M10026
Alternativnummer: AMO-M10026-2MG,AMO-M10026-5MG,AMO-M10026-10MG,AMO-M10026-25MG
Hersteller: Abmole Bioscience
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Alternative Synonym: TAS-120
Futibatinib (TAS-120) is an oral bioavailable, highly selective and irreversible FGFR inhibitor with IC50 of 3.9, 1.3, 1.6 and 8.3 nM against the four FGFR 1-4 subtypes, respectively. Futibatinib inhibited mutant and wild-type FGFR2 with IC50 similarity
Molekulargewicht: 418.45
Reinheit: 99.94%
CAS Nummer: [1448169-71-8]
Formel: C22H22N6O3
Target-Kategorie: FGFR