Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-190
Artikelname: LAP
Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-190
Hersteller Artikelnummer: AM-190
Alternativnummer: ISC-AM-190
Hersteller: Isca Biochemicals
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Alternative Synonym: La peptide
LAP (for La peptide) corresponds to amino acids 11 to 28 from the N-terminal €La motif€ of La, a 52-kDa autoantigen found in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, and one of the first cellular proteins identified to interact with viral internal r
Molekulargewicht: 2117.41
NCBI: 2004
Reinheit: >95% by HPLC
Formulierung: Freeze dried solid
Formel: C99H141N23O27S
Target-Kategorie: Antivirals
Anwendungsbeschreibung: ProductType: Peptides