
Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-350
Artikelname: Urumin
Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-350
Hersteller Artikelnummer: AM-350
Alternativnummer: ISC-AM-350
Hersteller: Isca Biochemicals
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Urumin is a 27-amino acid virucidal host defense peptide, originally isolated from the skin of the South Indian frog Hydrophylax bahuvistara. Urumin is virucidal for H1 hemagglutinin bearing human influenza A viruses, in which it specifically targets the
Molekulargewicht: 2959.44
NCBI: 2017
Reinheit: >95% by hplc
Formulierung: Freeze dried solid
Formel: C129H198N42O35S2
Target-Kategorie: Antivirals
Anwendungsbeschreibung: ProductType: Antimicrobial peptides