
Artikelnummer: ISC-TP-010
Artikelname: tatM2NX
Artikelnummer: ISC-TP-010
Hersteller Artikelnummer: TP-010
Alternativnummer: ISC-TP-010
Hersteller: Isca Biochemicals
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
tatM2NX is a peptide generated by fusing part of the C-terminus of transient receptor potential melastin 2 (TRPM2) channels, corresponding more than 90% with the Nudix domain (M2NX), with the tat inducer of HIV. tatM2NX is a TRPM2 antagonist which preven
Molekulargewicht: 4354.17
NCBI: 2016
Reinheit: >95% by hplc
Formulierung: Freeze dried solid
Formel: C190H323N71O45 S
Target-Kategorie: Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels
Anwendungsbeschreibung: ProductType: Cell penetrating peptides