MYLK3 Antibody, Rabbit, Polyclonal

Artikelnummer: NSJ-F40165-0.08ML
Artikelname: MYLK3 Antibody, Rabbit, Polyclonal
Artikelnummer: NSJ-F40165-0.08ML
Hersteller Artikelnummer: F40165-0.08ML
Alternativnummer: NSJ-F40165-0.08ML
Hersteller: NSJ Bioreagents
Wirt: Rabbit
Kategorie: Antikörper
Applikation: ELISA, IHC, WB
Spezies Reaktivität: Human, Mouse
Immunogen: A portion of amino acids 40-69 from the human protein was used as the immunogen for this MYLK3 antibody.
MLCK/MYLK3, a member of the Ser/Thr protein kinase family, is a calcium/calmodulin-dependent enzyme responsible for smooth muscle contraction via phosphorylation of a specific serine in the N-terminus of myosin light chains (MLC), an event that facilitat
Klonalität: Polyclonal
Konzentration: In 1X PBS pH 7.4 with 0.09% sodium azide
Isotyp: Rabbit Ig
UniProt: Q32MK0
Puffer: In 1X PBS pH 7.4 with 0.09% sodium azide
Reinheit: Purified
Formulierung: In 1X PBS pH 7.4 with 0.09% sodium azide
Target-Kategorie: MYLK3
Antibody Type: Primary Antibody
Application Verdünnung: Western blot: 1:1000,IHC (Paraffin): 1:50-1:100
Anwendungsbeschreibung: Titration of the MYLK3 antibody may be required due to differences in protocols and secondary/substrate sensitivity.
Western blot analysis of MYLK3 antibody and A375 lysate.
Western blot analysis of MYLK3 antibody and mouse heart tissue lysate
IHC analysis of FFPE human breast carcinoma tissue stained with the MYLK3 antibody
IHC analysis of FFPE human breast carcinoma