Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (Fc) Antibody (FITC), Fluorescein

Artikelnummer: PRS-XW-9102
Artikelname: Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (Fc) Antibody (FITC), Fluorescein
Artikelnummer: PRS-XW-9102
Hersteller Artikelnummer: XW-9102
Alternativnummer: PRS-XW-9102-0.1
Hersteller: ProSci
Wirt: Goat
Kategorie: Antikörper
Applikation: ELISA, WB
Spezies Reaktivität: Gallus
Immunogen: Chicken IgY
Konjugation: Fluorescein
Puffer: PBS, pH 7.2 with 0.2% BSA
Formulierung: Liquid
Application Verdünnung: Prepare working dilution fresh each time.
Anwendungsbeschreibung: The affinity-purified antibodies react only with chicken IgY and not IgM or IgA immunoglobulins by immunodiffusion and IEP techniques. Suggested immunostaining working dilution for this lot should start from 1:80 or up when used as 2nd antibody. Optimal