Gelatin Subbed Slides

Artikelnummer: SBA-SLD01-BX
Artikelname: Gelatin Subbed Slides
Artikelnummer: SBA-SLD01-BX
Hersteller Artikelnummer: SLD01-BX
Alternativnummer: SBA-SLD01-BX
Hersteller: SouthernBiotech
Kategorie: Sonstiges
Applikation: IHC-Fr, RS
Gelatin Subbed Slides are carefully cleaned and subbed with a solution of 0.1% gelatin and chromium potassium sulfate for improved section adhesion.
Isotyp: IgG
Free-floating Bcs1lc.232A>G mouse cerebral cortex cryosection was stained with anti-GFAP followed by secondary reagents, DAB, and mounted on Gelatin Subbed Slides (SB Cat. No. SLD01). Image from Tegelberg S, Tomašić N, Kallijärvi J, Purhonen J, Elmér E, Lindberg E, et al. Respiratory chain complex III deficiency due to mutated BCS1L: a novel phenotype with encephalomyopathy, partially phenocopied in a Bcs1l mutant mouse model. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2017;12:73. Figure 6(a)