Native Streptomyces sp. Alkalophilic Proteinase

Catalog Number: CRM-DIA-183-1
Article Name: Native Streptomyces sp. Alkalophilic Proteinase
Biozol Catalog Number: CRM-DIA-183-1
Supplier Catalog Number: DIA-183
Alternative Catalog Number: CRM-DIA-183-1
Manufacturer: Creative BioMart
Category: Proteine/Peptide
Native Streptomyces sp. Alkalophilic Proteinase
Concentration: Grade 1 20U/mg-solid or more
Application Notes: This enzyme is more active at a higher pH range than the known alkaline protease, showing the proteolytic activity even in 0.2N NaOH solution. This enzyme is useful for proteolysis of insoluble protein and for structure investigation of protein.