Human CXCL11 Protein (Recombinant) - LS-G137794

Catalog Number: LS-G137794-500
Article Name: Human CXCL11 Protein (Recombinant) - LS-G137794
Biozol Catalog Number: LS-G137794-500
Supplier Catalog Number: LS-G137794-500
Alternative Catalog Number: LS-G137794-500
Manufacturer: LifeSpan Biosciences
Category: Proteine/Peptide
Alternative Names: CXCL11, Beta-R1, Chemokine h174, Chemokine ip-9, Chemokine itac, H174, I-TAC, IP9, ITAC, IP-9, SCYB11, Small inducible cytokine B11, B-R1, C-X-C motif chemokine 11, SCYB9B, Small-inducible cytokine B11
Molecular Weight: The 74 amino acid recombinant protein has a predicted molecular mass of approximately 8.3 kD. The DTT-reduced protein migrates at approximately 11 kD and non-reduced protein migrates at approximately 13 kD by SDS-PAGE. The N-terminal amino acid is Methio
NCBI: 6373
Source: E. coli
Purity: Greater than 98% by SDS-PAGE
Form: 0.22 µm filtered protein solution in PBS