Human CDH22 / Cadherin 22 Protein (Over-Expression Lysate Myc-DDK (Flag)) (Full Length) - LS-G80476

Catalog Number: LS-G80476-20
Article Name: Human CDH22 / Cadherin 22 Protein (Over-Expression Lysate Myc-DDK (Flag)) (Full Length) - LS-G80476
Biozol Catalog Number: LS-G80476-20
Supplier Catalog Number: LS-G80476-20
Alternative Catalog Number: LS-G80476-20
Manufacturer: LifeSpan Biosciences
Category: Proteine/Peptide
Alternative Names: CDH22, Cadherin-like 22, C20orf25, Cadherin 22, type 2, Cadherin-22, Ortholog of rat PB-cadherin, PB-cadherin, Pituitary and brain cadherin, DJ998H6.1
This product includes lyophilized lysate of HEK293T cells that have been transiently-tranfected with Human Cadherin 22(CDH22) (NM_021248) and is intended for use as a Western blot positive control. Cells were lysed using Modified RIPA buffer (25mM Tris-H
Molecular Weight: 85.5 kDa
Tag: Myc-DDK (Flag)
NCBI: 64405
Source: Human
Purity: Unpurified
Form: Lyophilized. 25mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 150mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 1mM EDTA, 1xProtein inhibitor cocktail mix, 1mM PMSF and 1mM NA3VO4
Western validation with an anti-DDK antibody * L: Control HEK293 lysate R: Over-expression lysate