Human Coronavirus OC43 Purified Viral Lysate

Catalog Number: NAC-NAT41606-500
Article Name: Human Coronavirus OC43 Purified Viral Lysate
Biozol Catalog Number: NAC-NAT41606-500
Supplier Catalog Number: NAT41606-500
Alternative Catalog Number: NAC-NAT41606-500
Manufacturer: The Native Antigen Company
Category: Proteine/Peptide
Coronavirus OC43 is a Group 2 CoV, propagated in the HCT-8 cell line. Viral lysate is purified using sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, disrupted in the presence of detergent and heat inactivated.
Concentration: Ranges from 0.5 to 3.0 mg/ml
Buffer: 0.5% Triton X-100 non-ionic detergent/0.6 M KCl
Form: Liquid
Formula: Liquid