
Catalog Number: UCS-CM140
Article Name: CytoMatrix
Biozol Catalog Number: UCS-CM140
Supplier Catalog Number: CM140
Manufacturer: UCS Diagnostics
Category: Humandiagnostik
Application: IHC
Alternative Names: Cytomatrix
für Proben aus Nadelaspiraten (FNA / FNP), Ergüssen, Körperflüssigkeiten oder andere Zellproben, geeignet für H&E, IHC, ISH, FISH, Spezialfärbungen, molekularpathologische Methoden, optimal geeignet für knappes zytologisches Probenmaterial, poröse synthetische Matrix zum Einschluss und zur Konservierung zytologischer Proben, Träger für zytologische Proben (2x5x5mm HxBxT), verbesserter Erhalt von Zellmorphologie (nukleär, cytoplasmatisch) und Zellaggregaten, zur Verarbeitung und Anwendung in histologischen Techniken

CytoMatrix for preservation of cytological samples from fine needle aspirates (FNA)

UCS Diagnostic Srl has developed CytoMatrix at the Bio-Medico Campus of the University of Rome: A synthetic matrix that morphologically preserves biological material (cells, tumor biopsies) from fine needle aspirates (FNA) in their three-dimensional structure.



CytoMatrix is a porous support for trapping minimal amounts of cells , e.g. the material from a needle aspiration, and preserves structure (by formalin fixation and paraffin embedding), thus generating optimal conditions for various routine diagnostic tests: Hematoxylin-Eosin (H&E), Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Molecular Pathology (FISH).

CytoMatrix can easily allow the phenotypic characterization of small amounts of cancer cells and allows to faithfully preserve the features of the original tumour. This makes it an essential and in some cases indispensable and irreplaceable tool for a complete and accurate diagnosis.


Storage: Raumtemperatur
Breat needle aspiration
Lung-ADK PD-L1-stain
Pulmonary needle aspiration