Benefits of Sample and Assay Diluents

Nonspecific binding interactions, sample variation, background noise, and matrix interference are all common problems encountered when performing ELISA testing. ICT offers a range of diluent options designed to help overcome these issues. ICT’s Sample Diluents are used to dilute ELISA test samples so they read within the functional range of the assay. Our Assay Diluents are added to all wells of the plate to equalize any differences between the sample matrix and the diluent used to generate the standard curve. The right sample diluent can aid in reducing false positives and decrease background noise by diluting any interfering proteins in the test sample. Assay diluents reduce the effects of the sample matrix and variation among samples, without pre-dilution of the samples. Assay diluents can also reduce background noise caused by nonspecific interactions between the sample matrix proteins and the plate surface. Tune in to this discussion to learn more about ICT’s diluent offerings including our new Protein-Free Sample Diluent.


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