Source for Biochemicals Fluorophores, Inhibitors, Detergents, Small Molecules
Biochemicals encompass a huge diversity of substances, both those which occur naturally as well as those which have been manufactured to be of identical structure. Biochemicals are employed as key reagents within biological assays, where they can act as inhibitors, agonists, antagonists, activators, ligands or detection moieties, as well as performing a multitude of other functions. Included within our comprehensive biochemicals product range are small molecules, detergents, standards, fluorophores, hormones, vitamins, growth factors, pherom...
Antibody Conjugation Key Applications and Challenges
With AlphaThera's oYo-Link® technology, antibody conjugation is simple, fast, and site-specific - with as little as 1 µg of antibody per reaction needed.The entire procedure requires just two-steps and less than than 30...
Depletion Antibodies for in vivo use
Bio X Cell offers monoclonal antibodies to mouse cell surface proteins, that are intended for in vivo cell specific depletion studies. in vivo cell specific depletion experiments are used to establish the role of a specific ce...
Enzo Life Sciences New at BIOZOL - 10 % welcome debate!
Enzo Life Sciences, Inc. is a life sciences and biotechnology company, focusing on harnessing biological process to develop research tools, diagnostics and therapeutics, and serves as a provider of test services, including exotic tests, to the medical community. Enzointegrates biotechnology, life sciences, diagnostics, and therapeutics serving specific markets with products and complementary services to enhance value.
Live Webinar Fluorescent amyloid visualization with Amytracker
Amytracker from our partner Ebba Biotech are fluorescent tracer molecules providing high quality visualization of protein aggregates and a valuable tool for researchers in the field of Alzheimer disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Join Ebba Biotech's live webinar to learn more. Live Webinar: Amyloid fibri...
Histo | Cyto | Patho Meet BIOZOL at the Bamberg Morphology Days!
Best prospects for best training The Bamberg Morphology Days will take place from January 27-29 in Bamberg, offering beside the scientific program and seminars for pathology and histology users a new interactive forum with events on conventional, predictive and digital...
Isotype Control Antibodies Ready for in vivo administration
Bio X Cell offers a wide selection of isotype control antibodies. Choosing the correct isotype control antibody is an important part of most antibody-based experiments. Isotype controls must match the species and isotype of the primary antibody of interest but have no...
Magic Red® Cathepsin Kits Monitor intracellular cathepsin activity in vitro
Cathepsins are a group of enzymes with distinct functions inside and outside cells. They have gained attention as diagnostic biomarkers due to their differential expression, activity and localization (endosomal, lysosomal, cytosolic, extracellular) in various pathological conditions, as in immune disorders, cancer, osteoarthritis, and metabolic diseases, i.a.. While several selective cathepsin disorders are in clinical development, many biochemical aspects of cathepsin action are still to be further explored.
Cytoskeleton MemGlow™ Fluorescent plasma membrane staining
Our partner Cytoskeleton is proud to announce the release of new, innovative probes to visualize the cellular plasma membrane. Bright Fluorogenic MemGlow™ Probes MemGlow™ probes provide high photostabili...
GeneTex Webinar Extracellular vesicles as biomarkers in cancer treatment
We would like to invite you to participate in our partner company GeneTex's upcoming webinar on extracellular vesicles as a tool for predicting response to cancer treatment.